Keeping You Safe
To ensure that WCRR 2022 is a COVID-Safe event, we endeavour to operate in-line with current UK government recommendations. Please note, the information that follows may change as the event approaches, as the UK government guidelines adapt to the pandemic. Final guidance will be included in the Joining Instructions that will be sent to all registered delegates, two weeks prior to the Congress.
Where possible we will observe social distancing, masks will be made available at registration if required and sanitation points will be available in all venues.
Protect yourself and others
From 27 January 2022 in England, you will no longer be required to show an NHS COVID Pass at venues and events by law. We do however strongly encourage our attendees to take Lateral Flow Tests before attending the Congress and staying away should you have a positive result or feel unwell.
Face Masks
From 27 January 2022 in England, you will not be required to wear a face covering however, in line with government advice we suggest you continue to wear one in crowded and indoor spaces where you may come into contact with individuals you do not normally meet.
Social Distancing
We also request that you maintain a respectful distance around others, particularly in any highly populated areas of the Congress.
Travelling to England from another country during the pandemic
For information on entry requirements to England inclusive of the COVID-19 tests you need to take and quarantine rules please visit https://www.gov.uk/guidance/travel-to-england-from-another-country-during-coronavirus-covid-19. The website is regularly updated as the rules around the pandemic change.
Helpful Links
Find a COVID-19 Travel Test Provider
Need a Lateral Flow Test?
These can be ordered online or picked up at any Chemist or Test Site.
Contact Us
For general information, please contact the event team on:
T: +44 (0)117 906 4509